How to make an app portable with the RegRapper?
In this article you will learn how to create launchers (a portable version) for any of your apps. This launcher will automatically save the app settings in the registry. In our example, we will make a portable version of Angry IP Scanner using the following tools:
You won't be able to make a portable version of a program in the following situations:
The program requires a specific driver..
The program has files in the Windows system directory or other directory.
There is a need to register dll/ocx.
Saving the parameters of your app
To determine which of the registry key(s) are modified or created by Angry IP Scanner keys, we shall perform a "tracing" procedure with "RegFromApp".
Launch RegFromApp .
. Click on the File menu > Start a new process > Browse ...> Select your executable > Check "Start Tracing immediately" and then validate:
We will then save the parameters of Angry IP Scanner in a folder named as "Data":
You can now copy the entire application in a directory named "App".
Creating your portable app:
You can now create a file for the parameters and save it as RegRap.ini (in the "Settings menu").
APPNAME=Angry IP Scannner
Even if you do not place the e extension in the EXECUTABLE command, RegRapper will automatically add it.
command, RegRapper will automatically add it. To save the parameters on a USB drive, you can use the MANREGKEY command.
Here you go! You have successfully make a portable version of Angry IP Scanner.