It’s been 17 years since Will Smith and Martin Lawrence asked audience members “whatcha gonna do when they come for you.” Those years were nice to Will Smith as he continued to stay in shape and make more hit movies. However, those years definitely don’t look like they were kind to Lawrence as you can see in the new trailer for “Bad Boys for Life.”
Will Smith still looks like he is capable of taking down street-urchins in the drug-filled streets of Miami. However, Lawrence looks like he has a frequently used loyalty card to Krispy Kreme in his wallet and a gym membership that hasn’t been used since the Bush administration.
In the two previous Bad Boys films, Smith and Lawrence played Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowrey: two loose-canon cops that continuously get in over their heads. Their witty banter is only matched by their over-the-top detective antics and explosion-filled romps.
The movie centers around the two cops trying to figure out what to do with their lives. Burnett (Lawrence’s character) is now the police inspector while Lowrey is still looking for his next rush of adrenaline. However, when trouble comes a-knocking, the two suit back up for “one last ride.”
Yeah, it’s the same cliché story you’ve heard 1,000 times.
However, it looks like the days of over-the-top explosions might be behind them as Michael Bay did not return to direct the movie. Instead, an up-and-coming directing duo has taken the reigns. It still has yet to be seen whether or not the two will make or break themselves with “Bad Boys For Life.”
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