VB.Net - Manage events and properties for multiple controls

This demonstration aims to:

Group Click and TextBox_Changed evens of six TextBox but in one Sub

Include six label in a collection which allows for indexes.


Open a new Windows (form) project.

Paste six textboxes, the name does not matter but you must enter the number (1 to 6) in the Tag property.

Paste six labels, the name does not matter but you must enter the number (1 to 6) in the Tag property.

Paste a label (bottom) with the name: Label14

The six labels to the left the TextBox are optional and are only used as a benchmark.

FormLoad Code

The demo is based on six stextbox and label but the number, but this can be easily changed:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim Ctr As Control For Each Ctr In Me.Controls If TypeOf Ctr Is TextBox Then 'Initialise les événements des TextBox AddHandler Ctr.TextChanged, AddressOf AllTextBox_TextChanged AddHandler Ctr.Click, AddressOf AllTextBox_Click ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is Label Then If Ctr.Tag <> "" Then 'Initialise les propriétés des labels LbGroupe.Add(Ctr, Ctr.Tag) End If End If Next End Sub


==Click and Textboxes_Changed code=

Private Sub AllTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) LbGroupe(senderagext = senderext End Sub Private Sub AllTextBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Label14.Text = "Vous avez sélectionner le TexBox N° " & senderag End Sub


If you wish to download a demo, click here

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