Red Dead Online is a world where respect, money, and loot comes at the end of the barrel of the gun. To survive and reap the rewards of the cutthroat world of the Wild West, you’ll have to be well armed. You’ll also want to spend your money wisely. We’ve put together an in-depth guide to every weapon available in Red Dead Online, so you can know exactly what you’re getting into before you fork over your hard-earned cash. For this guide, we’ll be looking at melee weapons, bows, and blades.

Complete Guide to Red Dead Redemption 2
The Complete Red Dead Online Melee Weapons Guide
Note: We’ve based our number rankings for statistics in this guide out of a possible score of 10.
Bow and Arrow

Rank Unlocked: 10
Cost: $124.00
Accuracy: 8
Damage: 6
Range: 4
Description: A bow holds a special place in the heart and holster of every Wild West cowboy. This supremely useful weapon has multiple functions. First, it’s probably the best weapon to use while hunting. It’s totally silent, so it won’t scare off your prey, and the arrows do little damage to pelts. If you want to sell your furs in the best condition, the bow is the weapon to use. Its silence also makes it well suited to stealth, and you can make quick and quiet work of any enemies you may wish to dispose of discreetly. The only thing to keep in mind is that it’s got a shorter range than gunpowder firearms, so make sure you get in a bit closer before taking your shot.
Throwing Knife
Rank Unlocked: 8
Cost: N/A
Accuracy: 4
Damage: 5
Range: 3
Description: It takes someone with a certain sense of style to use Throwing Knives. Similar in application to the Bow, Throwing Knives have a leg up in rate of fire. Whereas you’ll have to load the Bow after every shot, you can rapidly throw one knife after another with little delay. Though it falls short of the Bow in other stats, sending a barrage of blades at your targets does leave you with a certain sense of satisfaction.
Rank Unlocked: 36
Cost: N/A
Accuracy: 3
Damage: 6
Range: 3
Description: The Tomahawk is a multi-purpose weapon that can be used for either up-close-and-personal hacking and slashing, or thrown to take down targets at a distance. It does more damage than Throwing Knives but you can only carry a few Tomahawks at a time, meaning you’ll need to be a bit more deliberate if you throw them. As with Throwing Knives, you can retrieve your thrown Tomahawks from the spot where they land… or pluck them from the bodies of your fallen enemies.
Rank Unlocked: 28
Cost: N/A
Accuracy: 3
Damage: 6
Range: 3
Description: Identical to the Tomahawk in almost every respect except appearance, the Hatchet unlocks at a lower level. A favorite of outdoorsmen, trappers, and settlers, the Hatchet is an all-purpose tool mainly used to chop down small trees and other woodland brush. It does equally well at chopping down your enemies.
Rank Unlocked: 15
Cost: N/A
Accuracy :3
Damage: 6
Range: 3
Description: Unlocking at a relatively low level, the Cleaver is a fearsome beast of a blade. Statistics-wise, it’s identical to both the Tomahawk and the Hatchet, but looks a whole lot more intimidating in the area of appearance. It’ll be just as effective whether you’re using it to cut up pieces of meat or employing it against slightly larger targets.
Rank Unlocked: 32
Cost: N/A
Damage: 5
Range: 1
Description: A direct upgrade over the standard knife, the Machete is a solid choice for encounters that get a little too close for comfort. It’s about as close as you’ll be able to get to carrying around an actual sword, and can inflict a lot of damage frighteningly quickly. The machete will bring a swift end to anybody who dares invade your personal space.
The blade you carry with you can be just as important as your gun, and can do a lot more than simply taking out enemies in a close quarters fight. Your choice of knife can say a lot about your sense of flair and style, so keep that in mind when you’re looking to be on the cutting edge of close combat.
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