Choose the Smart Watch We Need

At present, the control screen of most sports bands is about 1 inch. If there is too much information, the use effect is not very good. It is difficult to read. Smart watches increase the size of the screen. This makes information more readable. It provides users with better visual performance.

The HONOR smart watch product MagicWatch 2 follows the classic design in appearance. The 1.39-inch AMOLED high-definition large screen almost fills the entire front. It integrates 2.5 D curved glass. The edge transitions to the metal dial. HONOR MagicWatch 2 considers both thick and thin hands. The wristband is comfortable to wear. The comfort of the large screen is the comfort of the eyeballs. The second is the comfort of the fingers. You can move your fingers on the large screen on the wrist. You can click or slide. The page transition is smooth. In addition to lifting the wrist and lighting the screen (which can be closed), we can click the upper or lower keys to activate the screen. After lighting the screen, click the upper key again to enter the menu interface. the lower key will enter the exercise page by default. The function of the lower key can be customized by the user according to the needs. It has a high degree of freedom. It can meet the daily needs of most users.

In addition, HONOR MagicWatch 2 provides new exercise data analysis functions. For example, basic exercise heart rate observation, blood oxygen saturation, respiratory pressure, etc. So that users can understand their physical condition from multiple angles. This is helpful for users to improve their physical condition.

Smart watches have advantages that traditional watches do not have. One aspect is that it is convenient to wear. On the other hand, smart watches support certain exercise plans. It can record various data in the exercise process of users. It can optimize the exercise plans of users. It will improve the overall exercise quality of users. HONOR MagicWatch 2 is a fitness trainer hidden under the cuffs when users go out or burn fat to run.

In addition to powerful motion data monitoring, it provides users with powerful functions. For example, weather conditions and independent music playing. We can store songs at the watch end. It allows users to leave heavy mobile phones during exercise. Users who like swimming can purchase it at ease. HONOR MagicWatch 2 specs show that the waterproof performance can reach 5ATM and 50 meters. This allows users to wear it at ease when swimming. The powerful cruise capability is up to two weeks. Users don’t need to worry about running out of power. It can provide functions such as replying to messages, answering phone calls, and sending voice messages.

HONOR MagicWatch 2 has high-value design, rich sports and health functions and long endurance. As a smart wear product, it has a suitable price. Interested friends can consider it.


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