Check if a Value Exists in an Array VBA

To check if a value exists in an array, we can loop through its elements. However there is another solution! You can use the INDEX () function, native to Excel and in the case of two-dimensional arrays use a combination of the INDEX/MATCH function. However, if the value is not found, Application.Match returns an error. You will need to take into account any possible errors, as well as the number of dimensions of the array variable. This small function will help you out.

Using the Match function

Function EstDans(mot As String, Tabl) As Boolean

Dim Dimension As Byte, j As Integer

On Error Resume Next

If IsError(UBound(Tabl, 2)) Then Dimension = 1 Else Dimension = 2

On Error GoTo 0

Select Case Dimension

Case 1

On Error Resume Next

EstDans = Application.Match(mot, Tabl, 0)

On Error GoTo 0

Case 2

For j = 1 To UBound(Tabl, 2)

On Error Resume Next

EstDans = Application.Match(mot, Application.Index(Tabl, , j), 0)

On Error GoTo 0

If EstDans = True Then Exit For


End Select

End Function

Invoking the function

Sub test()

Dim Tb(), i As Integer

'tb 2 dimensions :

Tb = Range("A2:C16").Value

Debug.Print EstDans(MaValeur, Tb)

Erase Tb

'tb 1 dimension :

ReDim Preserve Tb(15)

For i = 0 To 14

Tb(i) = Cells(i + 2, 1)


Debug.Print EstDans(MaValeur, Tb)

End Sub

Using a loop

The structure of this function is similar to the one using Match.

Function BoucleSurTabl(mot As String, Tb)

Dim Dimension As Byte, i As Long, j As Long

On Error Resume Next

If IsError(UBound(Tb, 2)) Then Dimension = 1 Else Dimension = 2

On Error GoTo 0

Select Case Dimension

Case 1

For j = LBound(Tb) To UBound(Tb)

If Tb(j) = mot Then BoucleSurTabl = True: Exit Function


Case 2

For i = LBound(Tb, 1) To UBound(Tb, 1)

For j = LBound(Tb, 2) To UBound(Tb, 2)

If Tb(i, j) = mot Then BoucleSurTabl = True: Exit Function

Next j

Next i

End Select

End Function


Against all odds, you will get a better result with the loop function on large arrays than using Application.Match.

Testing a 2-dimensional array with a the following Range ("A1: Y20002").

Using the Match function: 8.300781 seconds.

Using the loop: 0.4375 seconds.

Testing a one-dimensional array:

Using the Match function: instant

Using the loop: 0.015625 seconds

Download link

You can download the sample workbook here.

Image: ©123RFom

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