Our lives are complex, and with so many changes going on around us during the day, it’s no wonder that every now and again something escapes our memory. But do not fear – here are 10 “Excelent” templates that are bound to help you organize your day, ensuring you won’t miss anything again!
Now, before you go thinking that this is nonsense, and there’s no way an Excel spreadsheet can change your life – don’t forget that there have been numerous studies that suggest writing down the things you wish to accomplish in life gives you a much bigger chance of actually seeing them through successfully.
Here are 10 free Excel templates that will change your life:
1. To-Do List
Knowing exactly what you have to do and at what stage of development you’re in, is a great way to boost your productivity. This template is a great way to organize your things to do as well as prioritize them.
2. Medication List
When you have to take various medications every day, it’s very easy to forget whether you’ve taken your required dosage or not. This template is great to remind you when and how much you need to take, as well as remind you when you need to go to the pharmacy to collect more.
3. Weekly Meal Planner
If you’re on a specific diet plan, there’s no better way to organize your meals. This template also helps you organize what you need to buy, as well as helps you plan your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
4. Weight Loss Chart
There’s no better motivation for losing weight than having all the data and seeing your progress right before your very eyes! Doon’t forget it works both ways, so you’ll also noticed if you’ve gained a few pounds!
5. Budget Planner
It’s time to take control of your finances! This one is one of the best, allowing you to plan your annual and monthly budgets, and lets you keep an eye on exactly what is coming in and out of your accounts.
6. Travel Budget
Planning on going on holiday? We all know how easy it is to overspend when you’re in “holiday mode”. Why not plan in advance with this great template, and be sure to make amazing memories, without breaking the bank.
7. Movie List
Are you a movie fan? This template allows you to take note of the movies you have seen and organize them by year, rating or featured actors. You’ll never forget about a movie again!
8. Party Planning
Are you a party animal? This template is extremley useful if you’re planning that special occasion, and don’t have the budget for a professional planner! Weddings, birthdays, this will be your new best friend!
9. Class Schedule
Whether you’re a student yourself, or you want to keep an eye on your child’s academic responibilities, this will keep you up to speed.
10. Home Inventory
Moving house? Or perhaps renting yours out on AirBnB and worried you might be missing a few items? This template allows you to categorize everything you may hold dear to you (or that has a large value) to make sure you never misplace anything again!
Is Excel one of the programs you find yourself using every day? Why not discover the secrets hidden within more of your favorite programs right here!
Have you found these templates useful? Or maybe think that some of your friends would? Share it on Facebook now!